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Our server is back ONLINE after Maintenance.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Let's enjoy the game with us!


- Devil Square Event
- Fixed some Visual bug (No visual Effect on Client e.g. Buff effect)
- Increase Event Time:
+ Dragon Invasion: 20 minutes
+ Golden Invasion: 15 minutes
- Improve Drop Rate for Event Item and Normal Item
- Improve Server Performance
- Turn off show monster HP by default:
+ To turn on type command: /showhp 1
+ To turn off type command: /showhp 0
- Improve Speed Hack checking


Coming soon:
- Blood Castle Event

Server Info+

VersionSeason 0
Total Accounts754
Total Characters87
Total Guilds3
Online Users1

Top Resets+

VuongSMSoul Master511
VuongBKBlade Knight5072
HondasMagic Gladiator501
VuongBlueMagic Gladiator40318
VuongELMuse Elf39207

Event Schedule+

Blood Castle
Devil Square
Golden Invasion
Dragon Invasion
Skeleton King
Fun Hour 15x
Happy Hour 20x

Flag Counter

Flag Counter