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In order to Reset or Add Stats to your Character, you can do it without logout game.

Just simple switch to other Character in your account, then you can go to our website for Reset or Add Stats.

* Technically explanation:

Because we detect online status specifically on your playing Character, not simple online status on your Account as other game.

You can check it easily by see online status of all your Character when you're in game.

The online status of each Character will response correctly with your current playing Character.

Server Info+

VersionSeason 0
Total Accounts754
Total Characters87
Total Guilds3
Online Users1

Top Resets+

VuongSMSoul Master511
VuongBKBlade Knight5072
HondasMagic Gladiator501
VuongBlueMagic Gladiator40318
VuongELMuse Elf39207

Event Schedule+

Blood Castle
Devil Square
Golden Invasion
Dragon Invasion
Skeleton King
Fun Hour 15x
Happy Hour 20x

Flag Counter

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