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Release Note:


  1. Client Upgrade
    • WindowMode by setting on Launcher
    • Warp Command Menu [M] key
    • Command Window [D] key
    • Sound:
      • Level Up
    • Music: more background music for some maps
      • Atlans
      • Devil Square
      • Icarus
      • LostTower
      • Lorencia
      • Tarkan
    • New MiniMap System [TAB] key
    • Preparation for new Items: coming soon
  2. Server Update
    • Migrate to new Database version
    • New Blood Castle Level 7
    • New Devil Square Level 5,6
    • Replace AngelAI by Shadow Phantom Soldiers
    • Fix visual issue when Player do action on high speed
    • Fix Transformation Ring
    • Fix Player show wrong/lack skill effect
    • Fix Monster Attack visual bug
    • Fix NPC random walking
  3. Launcher
    • New Updater System
  4. Security
    • Improve Password Hashing with Argon2
    • Improve run game from Launcher
    • Improve Antihack modify main.exe
    • Improve Antihack walking speed
    • Improve Antihack skill speed
  5. Known lack features
    • SD bar
    • Command Window
      • Alliance
      • Hostility
      • Friend
      • Duel
    • Dark Lord Character
    • Personal Store [S] key
    • Quest Menu [T] key
    • Pet Menu
    • Friends and Mail [F] key
    • Chaos Machine
      • Regular Combination: + 12 to +15
      • Items 380 Combination
  6. Known Bugs
    • Firework: no visual effect

Server Info+

VersionSeason 0
Total Accounts751
Total Characters79
Total Guilds3
Online Users1

Top Resets+

VuongSMSoul Master511
VuongBKBlade Knight5072
HondasMagic Gladiator501
VuongBlueMagic Gladiator37195
TheOneVNDark Wizard36245

Event Schedule+

Blood Castle
Devil Square
Golden Invasion
Dragon Invasion
Skeleton King
Fun Hour 15x
Happy Hour 20x

Flag Counter

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